German Poetry Now: A bilingual online-anthology, featured by DAS GEDICHT chapbook
José F.A. Oliver
the christmas market, for example
beautiful things
are no longer
beautiful, even though
beautiful things
once different ones
as you them
beautiful things
have names
lost, because you
no longer
are the one
naming them
translated by Paul-Henri Campbell
+ German Original / Das OriginalJosé F.A. Oliver
weihnachtsmarkt beispielsweise
die schönen dinge
sind nicht mehr
schön, wenngleich
die schönen dinge
andere damals
als du sie
die schönen dinge
haben den namen
verloren, weil Du
nicht mehr bist
der sie
© José F.A. Oliver, Hausach
aus: DAS GEDICHT Bd. 22 / Oktober 2014
+ About the author / Zum Autor
José F.A. Oliver was born in 1961 in Hausach. As the son of Spanish immigrants, Oliver grew up in the Black Forest speaking Spanish and German as well as Alemannic. He is an author who is exceptionally concerned with the status and role of literature in modern culture. He is an ambassador of the art form not only at international conventions, but also among young adults at home. It is perhaps no surprise that he is a trusted commentator on cultural and political topics. His poetry is a concatenation of jolty and jiving detonations, which inspired folks at the Sydney Opera House to commission a dance interpretation of José F. A. Oliver’s poems. But it also inspired the author himself to perform his work alongside the rapper Doppel-U. He received the Adelbert-von-Chamisso-Preis, which is awarded to authors from other linguistic backgrounds writing in German, as well as the prestigious Thaddäus-Troll-Preis and the Basle Poetry Prize. The city of Cairo invited him to be poet in residence, and he was a visiting lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2002 and the Technical University Dresden in 2007. He initiated a literary festival in southern Baden-Württemberg, called the Hausacher LeseLenz.
»Lustful Things – Geile Sachen!« im Archiv
»Lustful Things – Geile Sachen!« is an online collection of contemporary German-language poetry in English translation. All poems were taken from issue no. 22 of the German poetry magazine DAS GEDICHT, focused on the Poetry of Things. New English translations by Paul-Henri Campbell as well as the German originals are published here every Wednesday. All poems of this online-collection will also be published in a special print-edition. In order to read previous poems in this series, click here.
»Lustful Things – Geile Sachen!« ist eine Online-Sammlung zeitgenössischer deutschsprachiger Dinggedichte in englischer Übersetzung. Alle Texte sind Band 22 der Zeitschrift DAS GEDICHT entnommen. Jeden Mittwoch erscheint ein neues Gedicht, das von Paul-Henri Campbell ins Englische übertragen wurde, zusammen mit dem deutschen Original. Die Beiträge dieser Online-Anthologie gibt es auch als Sonderausgabe in Buchform. Alle bereits erschienenen Folgen von »Lustful Things – Geile Sachen!« finden Sie hier.