German Poetry Now: A bilingual online-anthology, featured by DAS GEDICHT chapbook
Manfred Chobot
the insidious heavy metal
smoking poisons the air
kills fellow human beings
millions if not even more
statistics claim
like flies in october
it strikes down passive smokers
asthmatics and the weak-hearted
cancer pinches them all
and smoker’s legs
are amputated and are
no longer good for anything
but i love them
the rolled leaves
the nicotiana shrubs
not only when they are burning
even unburnt they lay there
pleasantly in your hand
could a blind person most certainly
read a poem from the bract leaf
and inhale its wayward scent
if he coughed from his lungs
even if endlessly heaved from the bronchia
capitulated and ejected
from the mouth and nose and ears
posing a threat to third-parties
the heavy metal crawls away
into carpets and into every sofa
and waits long there patiently
until a child climbs onto the sofa
then jumps at the infant and slips
the toddler body cancer patient
trustworthy researchers have shown
proven by conducting experiments
and i sod light up castro’s fields
as well as all his successors
translated by Paul-Henri Campbell
+ German Original / Das OriginalManfred Chobot
das hinterhältige schwermetall
rauchen verpestet die luft
tötet mitmenschen
millionen wenn nicht sogar mehr
behauptet die statistik
wie die fliegen im oktober
trifft es die mitraucher
asthmatiker und herzschwachen
der krebs zwickt sie alle
und die raucherbeine
werden amputiert und sind
zu nichts mehr zu gebrauchen
aber ich liebe sie
die gerollten blätter
der staude nicotiana
nicht nur wenn sie brennen
auch brandlos liegen sie
angenehm in der hand
könnte ein blinder ganz gewiss
ein gedicht aus dem deckblatt lesen
und den eigenwilligen duft inhalieren
würde er husten aus den lungen
sogar endlos prusten bis die bronchien
kapitulieren und herausfliegen
aus mund und nase und ohren
bei der dritthändigen gefährdung
verkriecht sich das schwermetall
in teppichböden und in jedes sofa
und wartet geduldig so lange
bis ein baby auf das sofa kriecht
anspringt den säugling dann und flutscht
den kleinkindkörper krebskrank
haben seriöse wissenschaftler
im experiment nachgewiesen
und ich fiesling brenne die felder fidels ab
sowie die all seiner nachfolger
© Manfred Chobot, Wien (Österreich)
aus: DAS GEDICHT Bd. 22 / Oktober 2014
+ About the author / Zum Autor
Manfred Chobot was born in 1947. He is an expert resident of his hometown Vienna. The author of several books on the principle city of Austria, he is so familiar with its quirky natives, its traditions, its theaters, its latrines that Chobot has become a stranger to them again. He looks at them with amazement, sufficiently mesmerizing to draw others into Vienna’s phantasmagoria of inveterate Austromarxism, relics of a monarchic Europe long gone, and the ever vivid energy of a creative people capable of reinventing themselves new within a generation if it need be. But Manfred Chobot is much more than a local sophisticate. As a member of the Grazer Autorenversammlung (Graz Author’s Conference), he helped shape the literary heritage in that part of the German speaking realm, by adding new obsessions to the obsolete old ones and by developing a literary hermeneutic, which is dominant among Austrian writers, a perspective that focuses on lives and events along the fridge of society, on the peripheries of cultural perceptions, and the threshold to the unconscious. He received more than two dozen literary awards for his work that includes conventional narrative as well as postmodern approaches to storytelling, as in for example his novel based on 700 SMS messages (»Der Bart ist ab« 2010). Active in nearly every genre, including playwriting, cabaret, and children’s literature, his poetry often operates with a fluid continuum of words that are presented as a highly cognizant inner monologue. He also experimented with poetry in the Viennese vernacular idiom, »Waunst in Wean. Dialektgedichte« (1978) and delighted in verse on athletics, »Sportgedichte« (1989).
»Lustful Things – Geile Sachen!« im Archiv
»Lustful Things – Geile Sachen!« is an online collection of contemporary German-language poetry in English translation. All poems were taken from issue no. 22 of the German poetry magazine DAS GEDICHT, focused on the Poetry of Things. New English translations by Paul-Henri Campbell as well as the German originals are published here every Wednesday. All poems of this online-collection are also published in a special print-edition. In order to read previous poems in this series, click here.
»Lustful Things – Geile Sachen!« ist eine Online-Sammlung zeitgenössischer deutschsprachiger Dinggedichte in englischer Übersetzung. Alle Texte sind Band 22 der Zeitschrift DAS GEDICHT entnommen. Jeden Mittwoch erscheint ein neues Gedicht, das von Paul-Henri Campbell ins Englische übertragen wurde, zusammen mit dem deutschen Original. Die Beiträge dieser Online-Anthologie gibt es auch als Sonderausgabe in Buchform. Alle bereits erschienenen Folgen von »Lustful Things – Geile Sachen!« finden Sie hier.